Every year, TESOL* educators around the world gather online
for a period of 5 weeks with the intention of getting the best professional
development, for free! This year, we, the flipped learning team, want to invite
you to participate in our session, and why not in some of the other sessions
But what is EVO?
As stated in the EVO informative wiki, “The Electronic Village Online was first conceived as a project of TESOL’s Computer
Assisted Language Learning Interest Section (CALL-IS)”, and it has promoted
hands-on workshops sessions given by TESOL experts around the globe since 2000.
EVO sessions are free for all participants and feature a variety of topics for
teachers who want to enhance their language classrooms with the use of
On January 7th, 2017, the following EVO sessions will start:
- · Classroom Based Research for Professional Development
- · Design Thinking
- · Developing Intercultural Competence Through the Use of Online Resources
- · DIY Online Assessment
- · EVO Minecraft MOOC 2017
- · EVO ViLLAGE 2017
- · Experiential Learning
- · Flipped Learning
- · ICT4ELT2017
- · Moodle 4 Teachers
- · Non-native English Speakers in TESOL
- · QR Codes in Action
- · Teaching Listening: Principles, Techniques, and Technologies
- · Teaching Pronunciation Differently
- · Techno-CLIL
Volunteer moderators from all around the world offer high
quality sessions and tons of learning to people enrolled. All of the offered sessions use a variety of platforms for communication with participants and for storing readings, videos
and other resources and for holding synchronous sessions and adding the extra human component to the sessions! Sites like Schoology, Moodle, ANVILL and Blackboard are
used by different sessions. Also, social networks such as Twitter, Facebook and
Google Plus offer a great array of communication opportunities between
moderators and participants. And last but not least, synchronous communication
also happens in some of the sessions via Zoom, Blackboard Collaborate, WIZIQ,
etc. So, as you can see, by joining an EVO session, you’d be adding yourself to
a global discussion around educational issues of today in the teaching and
learning of languages.
Flipped Learning EVO
session 2017
The flipped learning EVO session has run for 3 years. It was
started by Helaine W. Marshall from Long Island University (current member of the FLN board), John Graney from California,
Jeff Magoto from the University of Oregon, Khalid Fheti from Morocco and Kevin Coleman from Kansas but located in Colombia. Then, in 2015, Carolina R.
Buitrago from Colombia joined the moderating team and in 2017, Martha RamÃrez also from Colombia, has. Martha
and I have been active contributors of the FLN blog and we plan to continue
being so this year. Lots of learning opportunities and amazing experiences with
flipped learning in our country..
This year in our session, we plan to invite teachers to explore the
contents of our session through the lens of the four pillars of flipped learning
proposed by the FLN (2014). We will invite participants to lesson plan their
own flipped learning class considering their context and limitations, we will
also peer-review lesson plans to build knowledge together. We will explore
in-class flip or in-flip as an alternative when technology is not available in
students’ homes. And we will use our Google Plus space to discuss some pressing questions for EFL/ESL and TESOL, in general.
We will also have weekly synchronous sessions to discuss the week’s
topics and highlights and we plan to have some amazing guest speakers this year.
We have already gotten confirmation from Jon Bergmann, flipped learning pioneer,
for January 22. We also plan to have Helaine Marshall (member of the FLN board)
and Robyn Brinks-Lockwood (Stanford professor and author of Flip it! Strategiesfor the ESL classroom and we are hoping to have Ken Bauer (President of the FLN) again this year.
It would be a great honor for us, the flipped learning
session team to count on you for our session. If you want to join, please click
here before January 8th (Anyway, late enrollment is not a problem!).
We look forward to having you there!
And we thank the Flipped Learning Network for supporting us and allowing us to share this information with all of you, the flipped learning community!